Debt Recovery for Communities of Property Owners
Often, British owners with second homes in Spain use the geographical and cultural distance to their advantage and will stop paying community fees, with consequent economic grievances for the rest of the members of the community.
One of the direct consequences of this behaviour is that Property Administrators are faced with the difficult situation of finding collection mechanisms that ensure the fulfilment of their functions in accordance with the provisions of the Horizontal Property Law (LPH).
The recovery service offered by Nockolds Lawyers Spain and Nockolds Solicitors is aimed at communities of property owners affected by debts generated by community members who habitually reside in the United Kingdom.
Our service, to integrally manage the claim for unpaid debts, is characterised by two routes. First, what we call the amical phase and second, if necessary, through court proceedings. We will effectively eliminate the difficulties that are traditionally encountered.
The added value we offer is that as Nockolds Solicitors Limited operates in the same geographic area and uses the same language as the debtors. The fact that they will be contacted by lawyers registered in the jurisdiction where they reside means that most debtors pay their debts amicably and without having to resort to court proceedings.
To find out more about our debt recovery services and how we can help you, please contact us on (+34) 951 552 254 or complete an online enquiry form, and a member of the team will be in touch.