Legal Notices
Nockolds Lawyers Spain S.L. is a Spanish incorporated entity with Spanish Identification Number (NIF) B88495577; registered with the Mercantile Registry of Madrid under Volume 39842, Folio 171, Section 8, and Sheet no. M707857; and, with place of business at C/ Goya 11 – 29680 Estepona (Málaga).
Spanish Lawyers (abogados) are regulated in their professional practice by the General Rules for Lawyers and the Spanish Lawyers Code of Conduct. They are also subject to local bar association provisions. These provisions are available via any of the Spanish Bar Associations.
Although Nockolds Lawyers Spain S.L. is a subsidiary company of Nockolds Solicitors Limited, it is not authorised or regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
Raising Complaints and Concerns
We are committed to providing a high-quality level of service to you which is specifically tailored to your needs. However, if you are unhappy about any aspect of our service or with the advice you have received or have concerns then we do have a complaints procedure which you can follow.
In the first instance, please contact the person handling your work. If they are not able to resolve matters to your satisfaction, then please contact their supervisor, whose details are found in our terms of engagement letter to you. If you still remain unhappy then please request a copy of our formal complaints process.
If you are not satisfied with our response, then you are able to refer the matter to the Malaga Bar Association in writing, telephone or personal attendance at Paseo De La Farola 13, 29016 Málaga Spain or email: